
Hey there! If you’ve landed here you’ve probably got a question for me or are looking for some more information about something. Regardless, if you’re looking for the Behind the Scenes Genius Contact info… you’ve found it!

If you’re wanting to know more about me, the best place is to check out my Instagram (click on the fun little green button that says Follow Me On Instagram).

And if you’re wanting to know how we can work together, check out that page above that says Work with Me.

If you have a question or need some information and it’s not answered with either of the previous options or the FAQ section below, fill out the form below. I’ll be in touch with you as fast as I humanly can.

Because Who Doesn't Like Options?

Other Forms of Behind the Scenes Genius Contact Information

Of course, you’re always welcome to send me a DM on Instagram as well because when I’m not sippin’ on sweet tea or playin’ with my daughter, I’m mostly likely doom scrolling on my phone… or reading. 

Or, if you’d rather just type out a handy email, because sometimes just typing out an email without using a contact form is nice. You can use the email address listed below. 

[email protected]

Prefer It Old School?

Or if you’d rather do things the old school snail mail way you’ll find my address below.

Behind The Scenes Genius
7122 S Sheridan Rd. Ste. 2-421
Tulsa, OK 74133

Hey! Over Here!

Are You A Current Client?

If you’re a current client there’s a better way to reach out to me directly. You’ll find the email inside the course platform.

No matter you’re reason for needing the Behind the Scenes Genius contact info, I’m happy you’ve reached out. You can expect a reply from me within 1 to 2 business days usually. I look forward to talkin’ with you. 

FAQ: Before You Use the Contact Form

Check out the FAQ section below before you use the Behind the Scenes Genius contact form above, just incase your question is one of the frequently asked questions below.

How do you handle pricing for websites?

The standard for most website projects are split into 3 payments. 30% down to reserve your spot on the schedule, 35% due at the time of revisions, and the remaining 35% due when we’re ready to launch. Custom plans are always an option though so don’t hesitate to ask. The best time to ask is during our initial consultation call.

Do you offer ongoing website maintenance & support?

Ongoing website maintenance and support is only offered to existing clients who’s website has been built by me. Why? I don’t intimately know the ins & outs of your current website, which hinders quality website maintenance. Proper website maintenance typically requires access to specific things that are often addressed through the website design process.

How can I get started with SEO?

At this time I only offer local Tulsa SEO to clients. This means if you’re in the Tulsa, OK area or the surrounding areas, then I can help. You’ll want to check out my Tulsa SEO page for more information on how to get started and get some more details. 

Can you integrate different tools and platforms to work together seamlessly?

Most tools integrate well with one another. However, to be able to answer you specifically if I can integrate your tools, I need to know what you’re using and how you’re using it. Then and only then can I determine what can be integrated, and recommend any better alternatives that may be a more seamless transition.