The Real Issue with Website Builders

You know, just because something is popular doesn’t make it the best option. Case in point, website builders (like Wix). There’s a real issue with website builders out there. They’re not all created equal.

Case in point, I worked with a client a while back. Let’s call her Suzie. And Suzie had a great business going, things were good. And her next thing was to spruce up her DIY’ed website. So she came to me for help.

Suzie of course has dreams for where she wants her website to go. But the problem is, her current builder (Wix) couldn’t get her there. I did my best to convince her to try another option, one that she would still be able to use in the drag and drop fashion like Wix.

The problem… she was insistent she stay with what she knew. She had to stick with Wix… out of fear of something new.

And it breaks my heart because I knew I could help her get so much more from her website if she would be open to trying something new.

The lesson… don’t get stuck with what you know, especially if there’s a better option out there for you.

The sad truth is, it’s easy to pick what’s easiest to use now and then regret it down the line. Because the fact is, they’re not all the same, and there is an issue with website builders.

So let’s talk a little bit more about what a website builder is, what they’re used for,  the common choices, and how to pick one… plus a bonus… what I recommend and use for my own website.

If you’re wondering what on earth to even put on your pages, I’ve got you covered. Download your copy of the Ultimate Guide To Do Your Website Pages the Right Way. I’ll walk you through how to give your website pages a good plan.

For now though, let’s talk about how you can build that website the right way and avoid the possible issue with website builders.

Website Builders... What are They?

When I use the term website builder I’m talking about the things that you use to actually build it. Like Elementor or Divi.

What I’m not talking about are the things that your website sits on. Like WordPress. WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS). +

There are some that are dual purpose, they’re both a builder and a CMS (at least in part). These would be things like Wix and Squarespace.

What a Website Builder Let’s You Do

No matter if there is an issue with website builders, or not, they do serve a valuable purpose. They help you build (design) your website.

A website builder is what helps you control the visual part of your site. From the colors, fonts, and copy to even the images.

They’re so important to us business owners because it saves so much time out of the design process.

The Common Choices

I may have already listed some of them above but let’s go over them in a little bit more detail.

We’ll start with the combination (CMS & Builders).

Wix – This is a popular one ( but if you haven’t already noticed, I’m not a fan). Wix has a place for some, and that’s perfectly fine for who their target market is. You build your website based on templates or you can start with a blank slate.

Squarespace – This is one that I’ve been seeing a lot more of lately. You use their template library to design your website. Being limited to just a template is a little restrictive when you have a vision for your website in my opinion.

Next, the ones with a little bit more freedom.

Divi – This is one that I previously used on my website. (Why I left should be a separate blog post, note to self). It’s pretty drag and drop which is very nice. They have templates or let you design from a blank page.

Elementor – Much like Divi, you design from templates or a blank page. It’s also got a very nice user interface and is drag and drop as well.

The one commonality amongst Divi & Elementor is that the CMS they work off of is WordPress. 

How to Pick a Website Builder

It may be easy to want to pick what seems the easiest to use. But you have to think long term on this. The last thing you want to do is realize half way through building, or worse… after years… that you have to switch because what you want to do isn’t going to work with your current builder.

My best recommendation, and I know it’s hard when you’re early in your business… is to think about where you want your business to go.

It doesn’t have to be super specific… say I want to offer a membership in 2 years. It could be simply just… I’d love to be able to have a membership.

So take a few minutes and think about what you want for your business’s future, let yourself dream, and think. Make a list of those things you want to do. Now, go pick out a builder that will work with you down the line when your business is ready for those things.

What I Recommend

Website’s are living breathing things and are always going to be shifting, just like your business and the market does.

What I find important is to pick a tool that gives me the options to do practically anything I can dream up.

My preferred CMS is WordPress. It’s the tool I’ve trusted my website with for years. The beauty of WordPress is that if you can think of something you want it to do… there’s more than likely a way to get it done. Plugins are your best friend in that case.

My Preferred Website Builder is Elementor. I’ve used it for my own site for over 2 years, after learning the hard way with a previous builder. Elementor has a ton of features and options. It can do practically anything you want it to.

No matter what you use to build your website, there’s plenty of options. The only way you could go wrong would be to use the wrong website builder for what your business will need.

And that’s why it’s important to think things through and pick one that can grow with your business.

But no matter the builder, what you put on the page does matter. And I know how overwhelming it can be, wondering if what you’re putting on the pages is right. You’ll want to grab your copy of the Ultimate Guide To Do Your Website Pages the Right Way.